Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Social Media Is A Must!


Why is Social Media An Asset to Any Company?

Throughout the semester, I learned an outstanding amount of information that gauged my understanding of why social media is a beneficial asset to every company, organization or local business. With the growing rate of technology and the common use of smartphones, there is no reason why a company shouldn't use at least one social media platform for promotion, marketing, interacting and a variety of purposes.



Social Media is Key to Improving Customer Relations

Many companies are stuck in a close-minded view that traditional forms of media such as direct mail as well as emailing are the best ways to connect with customers; but they are wrong! It is important that companies stay up to date with the use of technology and remain current and modern on all that social media can offer. A company can use various platforms at once as well as go as far as creating an interactive app for a smartphone. This can allow customers to learn details about the organization, upload digital gift cards, receive discounts and promotions as well as give feedback. This also creates a personal relationship with customers because it allows an interactive element so they will feel connected to their favorite company.

What Social Media Can You Use?

Social media can be used in various forms. The most commons forms are social media networks such as FaceBook and Instagram as well as microblogs such as Twitter. Blogs are also a way for an organization to engage with the consumers by posting weekly about relevant topics that relate to either specific products that are sold or tips on how to do a certain task relevant to what the company represents. Additonally, cross promoting each platform can increase brand awareness and recognition. Social media marketing is helpful in spreading brand awareness, driving sales, providing greater customer service and keeping customers coming back for more!




What to Know When Using Social Media

When activating a social media site, it is vital that someone in the organization is in charge of posting frequently about various topics keeping the cusomters/followers interested in the page. The 10:4:1 Rule is a great way to assess your social media balance. It simply states that for every fifteen posts, ten should be helpful content from other sources, four should be links to your blog posts and one post should be a link to one of your landing pages. This will ensure that followers will continue to keep interest in the company and pages as well as increase likes, shares, and commenting. If a negative comment appears on any social media site, it is important that it be addressed right away!

Increase Brand Recognition

It is important to recognize that social media takes time to appear in terms of customer engagement. Social media is a great tool that will grow a company, but the results will not be immediate and all individuals in a business must be aware of the social media process. It is great for companies to interact with other companies to support and promote one another as well as capitalizing on certain events to increase attention; just not on a natural disaster! When using social media, be sure that you research a hash-tag before making it "your own" and check for grammatical errors, we know what happen to Susan Boyle, (#Susanalbumparty)...poor Susan! Also, make sure that your page is open to the public and never set on private. Most of all, keep all of your pages consistent with one another in terms of title, brand colors and theme as well as appropriate photos. Creating a social media page is simple, but must be maintained on a daily basis for the best results to arise!

Learn how to create a social media account for your company by visiting Computer.Howstuffworks.com/Internet/Social-networking !


Friday, November 14, 2014

Social Media in Advertising

Get Your AD Trending!

When grasping the powerful use of social media, it is important to understand where it can be placed to ultimately increase revenue for a company. More now than ever before are advertisements in print publications such as magazines and newspapers including social media elements. Social media is also present in video content such as music videos and even television shows. Consumers follow-up with these social media platforms, whether it is liking a page, re-tweeting a tweet or even hash-tagging and tagging a company in a post. All of these are ways to increase brand awareness. Social media is growing in every industry as companys are understanding the effects and success rates it is creating for their competitors.

Social Media in Print Advertising

Social media has crossed its way over to print advertising in various forms. Some of the platforms that are most commonly mentioned in print advertisements are Twitter, FaceBook and Instagram as these are platforms used by a large audience. A company that does a great job at including these platforms is Dunkin Donuts. They use them in print and online advertisements and do not seem to include multiple at once, therefore a consumer can focus at accessing one platform at a time.


Social Media in Television Advertising

Social media has also been incorporated into various television and video advertisements. The advertisements include the multiple social media platforms, but tend to focus more so on the hash-tag elements that social media sites such as Twitter and FaceBook have to offer. A television series called Pretty Litter Liars includes a hash-tag in episodes when there is drama present in a scene that will introduce hype into the social media realm as fans start to cause the hash-tag to trend.


It is essential that with the growing rates of technology and social media, each company must hop on the social media bandwagon if they do not want to become second runner-up to their competitors. There are various ways that a company can become involved. If you are interested in improving your customer relations, increasing brand loyalty and gaining a personal relationship with your customers, social media is right for your company! To get started visit SocialMediaExaminer.com!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Share Your Poland Spring

Poland Spring for the Ages

Poland Spring was Est. in 1845 being one of the most well known water drink choice in America. Since 1845, Poland Spring has always looked for innovative and fresh ways to keep the brand as modern as possible. When the first phases of social media began to take off around 2006, Poland Spring tagged right along. The brand has always been improving in various ways such has creating a smaller cap to conserve plastic usage as well as making the entire plastic bottle with less plastic. Also being a part of the recycling community, the "Eco-Shape" bottle allowed the materials to be easier on the environment as well as reassuring consumers of the brands care and willing to keep our world clean.



Share Your Moment!

Most recently, Poland Spring decided to get connected with various social media platforms. They joined FaceBook and Twitter to post regularly about the company and its products as well as utilized Instagram to gain consumer involvement with the product that is essential to life! They recognized that their consumers use their brand for countless reasons whether it is for a hike, a road trip or even just sitting in a classroom. On the bottle wrapper, there is a part that is using their tagline "Drink Up" along with stating "Share your #PolandSpring #DrinkH20 moment". They are encouraging consumers to take a photo with their Poland Spring bottle while doing their activity and including the hash-tags in the post. This would mean that you are a proud supporter of partnership for a healthier America!


This is just one of the few ways Poland Spring has taken action with the use of social media and interacting with their consumers. To find out what else Poland Spring is up to visit Facebook.com/PolandSpring or PolandSpring.com.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Social Media Can Boost Success For Your PSA


What is a PSA?

A Public Service Announcement can come in multiple forms. When creating a campaign, choosing the right media outlet is vital. While deciding on which media outlet will support your campaign the best, it is important to identify your target audience. Each PSA should allow the viewer to be directed to an online website where they can access forums for discussion.

Elements To Know While Designing Your PSA:

1) Choose a message that is most relative to your target audience
2) Program directors need to know why the message is important
3) Follow up with a phone call to instill message significance
4) Include website and social media information
5) Encourage a hash-tag to spread awareness




Radio and Television

When pitching a campaign to a radio station, it is important to keep the message as simplistic and direct as possible. The campaign message should be no longer than 15 seconds and it must be able to connect to the community in some way or another. When pitching a campaign to a television station, keeping the campaign creative to grab the audience visually is key. The issue must be prevalent and uphold great community relations. On television an average PSA spot must be 30 seconds in length.                                                            

As I briefly stated earlier, a campaign on both radio and television should redirect viewers to a website to find out further information where they can interact with others in the community on forums to discuss the issue and share information with one another. A PSA can also include information to follow their Twitter and FaceBook page if available and introduce a hash-tag that listeners and viewers can start using to spread awareness about the PSA. This will ultimately create a greater success rate for your the goals of the public service announcement. To find out more information on composing your own PSA visit www.ADcouncil.org.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

What's Your Color?


OPI for Decades

OPI is a nail lacquer product that has been around longer than we can remember. OPI Products is a nail lacquer manufacturer located in North Hollywood, California. OPI (originally named Odontorium Products Inc.), was a small dental supply company purchased by George Schaeffer in 1981.  Soon after taking over the company, Schaeffer was joined by Suzi Weiss-Fischmann, OPI’s Executive Vice President and Artistic Director. Both officials then partnered with R. Eric Montgomery, a biochemist, and created an acrylic system that Schaeffer sold door-to-door to local nail salons. They ultimately closed the dental sales and focused entirely on nail products changing the name to OPI Products Inc. (opi.com) 



 OPI's Success

OPI started with only a few nail lacquer colors in 1981 and has grown to have more than 1,000 colors in various shades. With the company growing just through word-of-mouth when it first started, you can imagine the excitement the company felt when social media hit the market! OPI did not think twice as they created their own FaceBook page and Instagram displaying their product with the visual beauty it has to offer. OPI updates daily on their sites, and their USP amongst other nail lacquer brands is that it connects to the consumer on a personal level of nostalgia (who knew nails lacquers could be nostalgic?!). They also are very involved with celebrity endorsements to promote different product lines and connect with their large target audience ranging from 15 to 60 years old. Recently they promoted their new Fall 2014 Collection: Charlie Brown - Peanuts.


OPI does a phenomenal job at keeping brand loyalty with their consumers, making them the most successful nail lacquer brand in the world. OPI is widely sought after by professionals and consumers for their high quality nail products. (beautybay.com/OPI) .

Show Off Your OPI

OPI's website allows you to browse and ultimately purchase their products. They have taken the idea of Instagram and consumer insight to produce an interactive element on their website that allows consumers to post their nail designs using the hastags of their lacquer name, as each color has a unique name. There is a link on the website to their Instagram page for consumers to view the countless options you can create while using their product.


Keep updated with their new collections on www.FaceBook.com/OPIProducts and www.Instagram.com/OPIProducts!

Find YOUR color at OPI.com!