Friday, November 14, 2014

Social Media in Advertising

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When grasping the powerful use of social media, it is important to understand where it can be placed to ultimately increase revenue for a company. More now than ever before are advertisements in print publications such as magazines and newspapers including social media elements. Social media is also present in video content such as music videos and even television shows. Consumers follow-up with these social media platforms, whether it is liking a page, re-tweeting a tweet or even hash-tagging and tagging a company in a post. All of these are ways to increase brand awareness. Social media is growing in every industry as companys are understanding the effects and success rates it is creating for their competitors.

Social Media in Print Advertising

Social media has crossed its way over to print advertising in various forms. Some of the platforms that are most commonly mentioned in print advertisements are Twitter, FaceBook and Instagram as these are platforms used by a large audience. A company that does a great job at including these platforms is Dunkin Donuts. They use them in print and online advertisements and do not seem to include multiple at once, therefore a consumer can focus at accessing one platform at a time.


Social Media in Television Advertising

Social media has also been incorporated into various television and video advertisements. The advertisements include the multiple social media platforms, but tend to focus more so on the hash-tag elements that social media sites such as Twitter and FaceBook have to offer. A television series called Pretty Litter Liars includes a hash-tag in episodes when there is drama present in a scene that will introduce hype into the social media realm as fans start to cause the hash-tag to trend.


It is essential that with the growing rates of technology and social media, each company must hop on the social media bandwagon if they do not want to become second runner-up to their competitors. There are various ways that a company can become involved. If you are interested in improving your customer relations, increasing brand loyalty and gaining a personal relationship with your customers, social media is right for your company! To get started visit!

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