Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Share Your Poland Spring

Poland Spring for the Ages

Poland Spring was Est. in 1845 being one of the most well known water drink choice in America. Since 1845, Poland Spring has always looked for innovative and fresh ways to keep the brand as modern as possible. When the first phases of social media began to take off around 2006, Poland Spring tagged right along. The brand has always been improving in various ways such has creating a smaller cap to conserve plastic usage as well as making the entire plastic bottle with less plastic. Also being a part of the recycling community, the "Eco-Shape" bottle allowed the materials to be easier on the environment as well as reassuring consumers of the brands care and willing to keep our world clean.



Share Your Moment!

Most recently, Poland Spring decided to get connected with various social media platforms. They joined FaceBook and Twitter to post regularly about the company and its products as well as utilized Instagram to gain consumer involvement with the product that is essential to life! They recognized that their consumers use their brand for countless reasons whether it is for a hike, a road trip or even just sitting in a classroom. On the bottle wrapper, there is a part that is using their tagline "Drink Up" along with stating "Share your #PolandSpring #DrinkH20 moment". They are encouraging consumers to take a photo with their Poland Spring bottle while doing their activity and including the hash-tags in the post. This would mean that you are a proud supporter of partnership for a healthier America!


This is just one of the few ways Poland Spring has taken action with the use of social media and interacting with their consumers. To find out what else Poland Spring is up to visit Facebook.com/PolandSpring or PolandSpring.com.

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